9 special Ideas for Gift Wrapping

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What's better than the perfect gift? The perfectly wrapped, beautifully adorned package that seems almost blasphemous to disturb by opening! You'd be surprised by the wonders you can create simply with materials lying around the house. So many possibilities! Impress family, friends and coworkers with these 8 creative, festive, and artistic DIY gift bow ideas.

1. Everyday materials: Wrapping with index cards

2. In-a-rush wrapping: Use up old newspapers, magazines, maps, anything!

3. Dainty delight: Feathers and ribbon

4. Paper Bag Princess: The brown paper bag bow

5. Add some character: A photo of the receiver(s)

6. Some simple recycling: Pringles can, paper, and ribbon

7. The basics: Simple paper bows

8. Extra Ribbon: How to tie the perfect bow

9. Little and pretty: Flower loop bows

P.S. gift wrapping is an art and must be taken seriously!

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